Tuesday, July 07, 2009


It's funny with the word pretentious. Where I come from Luther ruled, and I can honestly say this isn't my favourite guy. Everything that is fun is bad in his eyes. Perhaps that's why I became an atheist. I don't think they know Luther in Switzerland. This is a good thing. When they look for professional people here they advertise for "pretentious" people, meaning "trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are". This is funny in itself since ze Swiss never try to shine and be stars. But I like it, and Luther can go f... himself! And Switzerland is like an oxymoron. That's why I like it here!


Anonymous said...


hmm, I thought Zwingli was supposed to be even more conservative than Luther.

surely they dont really put 'pretentious' in an ad? ugh, I wouldnt want to work in a company that actually wanted that!

Witchbitch said...

They do put pretentious in ads, it's quite common, but perhaps it means something slightly different in German?

Anonymous said...


yeah probably, who knows with the vagaries of the German language - especially the swiss take on it.