Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Finally! After nearly 4 months I'm with chairs! No more borrowing from neighbours when having parties. And we were lucky enough to get the very last 6 ones. Only of course when coming home one was defect and needs to be changed. Have a feeling it'll take ages to fix.


Kent said...

Looks really nice...
It is much more pleasant to be able to have dinner at a table with chairs. Did you have dinner on the floor before?

23 degrees and sunshine here. Don´t have to worry about any Yeti´s. Also great bargains in the stores.

Finally.... I am impressed that you give a positive review of the Swedish Tax Authorities. I guess you have to live abroad to do that!

Merry Christmas and talk to you on Skype

Your best cousin.

Witchbitch said...

Dear cousin, I have a bar, where did you think I was sitting?

Yeti's gone. No more snow in Zürich, it was just a temporary mishap.

Efficiency is always impressing me. We don't do much of that in Switzerland.

Merry Christmas!