Thursday, December 17, 2009

This aging thing

Truth be told I don't mind being older. I like the feeling of getting wiser (and closer to retirement!). I do have lots of younger friends, so don't think I'm old in mind. However, I do really mind losing my blonde hair which apparently is what happens when the body ages, hormones and stuff. It's like I do not recognize myself in the mirror. Luckily there are remedies to be taken, and yes I've learned my lesson, so now going to the hairdresser (ok not as often as I should but still). Horror today when I realized that the blonde is disappearing and darker hair is making its entrance on top of my head. In comparison to the blonde hair it looks friggin grey! And that I do mind very much. I can have an aging body, but darn if I'm gonna look it! Appointment with the hairdresser next week.


Anonymous said...

yep, so far I think can handle most of the things about gettig older, but grey hair really does suck, I hate it. The constant hair dying is such a pain. I reckon its even worse with dark hair 'cos it shows up so obviously. On top of which I think I have far more than I should considering in my opinion I'm not old at all. No fair

Witchbitch said...

You do it too!?! Will I recognize you next time we meet?

Anonymous said...

sure you will. I attempt to make it as close to my natural colour as possible - to avoid the whole roots growing out thing. once you start, you cant stop