Sunday, December 13, 2009


It was a busy day today. First a friend of mine from the UK was flying in and stopping by to see my new pad. We had a drink. Then it was the housewarming of the neighbours upstairs. Yes, it's almost 4 months since we moved in, but some people are slow. But they have a really nice flat and I got some new design ideas. In the middle of their party, another neighbour and I left briefly to go see yet another neighbour who had her birthday. Bringing gifts of course. Liquid ones. And there were nice-looking men so we probably stayed longer than we should've. Then back to the housewarming for a while, before heading to town to meet up with UK girl and co again. She insisted on meeting in a place I detest, and I was there 5 mins before they arrived and in that time I managed to chat up a Turkish guy and tell him how much I hated the place. I'm sure he enjoyed it. Ha. After "enduring" the time in the place I do not like, but with friends I do like, we left. Only because friends have to get up early tomorrow and I had places to see, people to go. Ending the evening with an sms from an unknown person inviting me to a party tomorrow (Sunday!). Yes, after requesting identity it was a person I do know. But since I got the 3rd season of Gavin&Stacey delivered today, I don't think that I have time for a party tomorrow. Surely 3 days in a row is enough!?!


Anonymous said...

ha, surely you cant complain about the occasional trip to a place you dont like, since you make everyone do that every time they go out with you.
so, whats so horrible about this place anyway?

Witchbitch said...

Oh I dunno. It's just too many people, and a too obvious meat market.

Anonymous said...

ew, sounds awful. I dont get why people like going to meat market places