Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Google wave

I have recently been accused of being old-fashioned in terms of technology, and it is true that I think that a mobile phone is best used for phoning and texting. However, I did have my first laptop in the early 90's and a mobile phone some years after. But as it turns out these days you have to be first on blogging, twitter, facebook, myspace, msn, skype and what have you and preferably test all beta-versions too. Today I got an invite to google wave, which I took for being spam and promptly deleted. Then I was contacted on msn by a friend asking what I thought of google wave. Ok, so now I have installed it. Thing is, I cannot be bothered to read any instructions or manuals, so don't really know what it's good for. Other that I found out it can be chatted on. Just like msn and Skype that I already have. More of the same communications tools, yeah that's what we really need! Off now to meet friends irl...

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