Thursday, January 20, 2011

The apple

Just before we flew off to Bulgaria at Christmas Bro stopped by. I was planning to do only some ready-made apero bits in the oven for dinner, but he brought a pork fillet and did a fabulous potato gratin to go with. Mind you, it was purely selfish reasons from Bro, but it was really a pleasure to eat properly cooked food for the first time in weeks (arm issue). However, weeks later when I was getting the pan out to cook something I realized it wasn't properly cleaned. It was still greasy and not appetizing at all. Reminded me of Dad. Once I came home to cook for him and got a bowl out of the cupboard. Only to find the bottom filled with leftover corn and salt from popcorn. The apple doesn't fall far from the pear tree. Good thing I take after Mum...

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