Sunday, January 16, 2011

Be happy about the little things in life

Who plans to be incapacitated? Not me. Of course I knew I was gonna have an operation, but did I think of the consequences? No, I did not. Fortunately I had cut my toe nails beforehand, but even though I'm not very hairy my hair kept on growing and since I'm usually quite anal about shaving my armpits and legs, it was difficult not to be able to do anything about it. Try yourself. Put shaving creme under your left armpit, using your left hand. Then apply the razor to your left armpit, still using your left hand. Correct. It's very very difficult. It's either missing the point (i.e. hair) or you're cutting yourself. Today was the first day I managed to stretch my tendon in the right arm enough to reach to the left armpit. Oh joy!


Anonymous said...

lucky its winter!

Witchbitch said...

Yup, even without planning I managed to get it right! Would've looked weird having arms pointing straight down in the boat.