Friday, January 28, 2011


Went to physio again today. My therapist is really nice, and she thinks I'm doing tons of progress with mobility. Unfortunately she won't be there next week (going to an Elton John concert in Geneva, which led us into a discussion how old you can be getting kids - we agreed - 40 is the limit). So now it's up to me for the next 2 weeks to train myself. Shouldn't be a problem. I keep on doing what I shouldn't all the time anyway, like lifting things. Not supposed to lift anything, but unpacking groceries with the left takes too long. Stuff like that. Then I ran into a friend in the waiting room (he was there for his knee) and we decided that we deserved a drink after the sessions. So we did. Had a few. A good start to the weekend. And if I close my eyes and think about...somebody...I can hardly feel my shoulder at all.

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