Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hammered in Hallau

Have a friend who thinks she's above me and my other friends. But I bet you a bunch that she doesn't have that much fun with her other friends. It reminds me of a girls evening in the big village of Hallau last year, where the four of us ended up absolutely plastered, hammered, drunk out of our minds. And where doctor-girl with a fancy education ended up in bed with me (ok, so not what you think, we were just sharing a double-bed sleeping) and we couldn't stop talking and laughing. The other two, in their own bedrooms were kinda irritated. Mind you, think it was about 5 in the morning. A bit hazy on the details. But I remember we had fun. So fun we giggled our way into coma some half-hour later. And fancy girl, you're gonna miss a fab girls evening beg February. Move you ass back to CH asap. Ok?


Anonymous said...

hmmm, don't think anybody's ever called me fancy before ;). Assuming (hoping) that 'fancy girl' and 'doctor-girl' are one and the same, being me, but that 'friend who thinks she's above me' is someone else completely - right?!

Anonymous said...

ah, now I see this relates to the comments on the 99 post. Hey, you're the one who said the majority of your friends aren't clear in the head - not me ;)

Witchbitch said...

Well, we certainly weren't clear in any heads in Hallau...;)

Witchbitch said...

Oh and clarification, fancy girl being short for fancy education girl = doctor girl.