Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sleeping pattern

With pain it is difficult to sleep. It doesn't matter how you twist and turn, and considering that I can only sleep on my left side or on my back, it is even more frustrating. Last night I fell asleep at 4.30 in the morning, waking up at 6.30 from the alarm. Had to get up for a meeting. Got home at about 10.30, had a construction worker visiting. Went to bed again at 12.00 and slept for an hour. Woke up from pain. Then another construction guy showed up at 16.30 (have a few things that still need to fixed in the flat), and went back to bed at 17.30. Slept until 19.00. With this lifestyle I have to get out of the house sometimes. Cannot just sit at home feeling sorry for myself, even though I've gotten pretty good at it! So went for a drink downtown. Takes the mind off the pain, at least for a while. And with a shot or three from Rakia, that Bulgarian schnapps, think I'll be able to sleep tonight. This Rakia is actually better than any painkiller I've come across. Bulgaria, not so bad after all...


Anonymous said...

my oh my, sounds like you're becoming quite the Eastern Europe fan, he he he, who woulda thunk it?

Witchbitch said...

Agree, I wouldn't have thunk it at all. Mind you, I limit my admiration to the Rakia ;).

Anonymous said...

really?, I believe you said 'Bulgaria, not so bad...' not 'Rakia, not so bad...' ;)

Witchbitch said...

Freudian slip?