Thursday, January 20, 2011

Giving or receiving

Was watching a program about happiness. What makes people happy? Turns out that giving gives people more satisfaction than receiving. Hmmm. Personally I would rather receive a million francs, than giving it away. Helps that I do not have a million to give. But something called the Anonymous club do things like paying for an extra coffee in the cafeteria, to be given to another guest. Not telling the other guest who they are. Also that people want to give when they know it comes to use. Donating to big organizations when you half a year later read in the paper that a lot of the money have gone to bonuses for management, or that your help hasn't reached its target (Haiti only one example), is not on. This I can fully agree with. I had an idea that I would join a club for microloans, but could only find one in the US. Feels too far away to be honest. Mostly I'd like to help people in Zürich, which is perhaps weird since Switzerland is no poor country. Still there are people here who need help. I have an idea how, but I need it to ferment. Tbc (not the disease, the to be continued). PS. Received a free chocolate bar in Denner the other day. It made me happy.


Anonymous said...

If I had enough money to be able to afford to give away a million francs I'd be pretty happy.

Witchbitch said...

How much would you have before you gave away a million?