Thursday, January 20, 2011


I know this couple I would like to invite for dinner. Problem is that they have three kids, whereof the youngest just stopped breastfeeding, and they have no babysitter. Was thinking of killing two birds with one stone by asking Bro and gf to babysit, thinking they would reconsider their plan to have their own. A cunning plan, but not sure they'd go along with it. Made me think of the first and only time (so far) I was called auntie. I was having my first summer job at the age of 15, working in a kiosk. This woman with her kid steps up to the window, lifting the toddler up, pointing to the sweets and saying "tell auntie what you want". I was friggin 15! Perhaps it was then I decided never ever to have my own kids. Because if you get that stupid being a parent, it's just not worth it.

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