Sunday, March 11, 2012

Electricity reduction

Am pretty proud of myself. Got the yearly reconciliation from the electricity company, and have managed to reduce my usage from 2,196 kWh to 2,026 compared to last year. That is a 7.5% reduction.

Not entirely sure how I did it, but always running washing and dishwasher machines on low tarif probably helps. However, I am using more light in the living room, even though I'm not home, to prevent evil burglars from bursting in. I should really get a reduction from the insurance company too!


Anonymous said...

Annika, have you thought of using those timer your light comes on/off at a certain time?...they would only work with lamps thought and I have them for the humidifier,works great. Stephanie

Witchbitch said...

I have a timer for one of the lamps in the living room already, but these days I am also leaving the other lamp on when going out.