Monday, March 05, 2012

Irish coffee

Saw a show on telly the other day, talking about all the glasses that people have hidden in drawers and never use. Made me realize I am one of those.

So when friend visited the other day I made Irish coffee! In glasses made therefore, and with a long spoon doubling as a straw. Never mind it was in the middle of the day.

And made a cheese cake, which to be honest needs some...well, something more. Wasn't perfect. But at least I tried.

And the coffee was delish!


Anonymous said...

wow, whats going on with all this baking? I was thinking you were joking about the cinnamon scrolls and was going to comment and then they appeared, and now cheesecake!! I do remember the glasses though, with irish coffee made by a real Irish woman that made me kinda nuts!

Witchbitch said...

I happen to have some time on my hands, and a great kitchen to bake in.