Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hail and friends

This afternoon it was an expected hail storm, so for a moment my balcony furniture was covered in snow-like stuff. Weird.

Then a friend popped over, what was planned to be a quick visit, but since I started to make cinnamon rolls, he decided to stay. Something to do with football on telly, and me having a comfy sofa. Almost feels like a marriage. A long one. Him on the sofa watching football, me in the kitchen watching internet tv.

Apart from us not having the tiniest bit of romantic spark, I can appreciate the togetherness. Only the cats find it a wee bit weird, they don't know what to make of him. Occupying their sofa is...unexpected. Now they will have to sniff around it for 20 minutes at least before it's safe to sleep on again.


Anonymous said...

wow, you really do like thse cinnamon rolls don't you?

Witchbitch said...

I do!