Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lucas 2

Something I saw on telly triggered a memory from my childhood. Well two actually. The bad one was where my classmate was asked to sing, and then I. After our performances the teacher said to the principal visiting "well, as you can hear, we have different qualities on the pupils here". I guess that's when I realized I cannot sing. I was seven years old.

The good one was when I was chosen to read a story, standing on a plinth, for an audience of parents, 'cause I was the best reader in the class. Mind you, in hindsight I have realized what it was I was reading. From the bible! Lucas 2 google says. At the time I had no idea. But I did it well, and I was seven years old.

Not entirely sure what I wanted to say with this tale, but maybe that I'm an extremely bad singer, but a good reader.


Anonymous said...

What is it with teachers that want to humiliate little kids? I don't get it, we had a few of those too, makes me so mad

Witchbitch said...

She wasn't a bad person, and I cannot say it's damaged me. But I still remember, funny that.