Thursday, May 03, 2012


Following up on the last item, I realized it doesn’t hurt with a bit of introspection. And I know, I am very bad in asking for help. Mind you, not when it comes to practical such, there I actually excel. No problem at all asking for help to put a picture up, to get a lift to somewhere, to ask for physiotherapy after my operation, to put an Ikea table together or to get assistance with my plants. No problem whatsoever asking for this type of help.

But never in my life have I asked for emotional help. When I grew up it wasn’t hip to be “crazy”. In those days you ended up in a mental hospital. And I don’t mean I’m going bananas now, but it seems to me that now many people are “emotional”, “insulted” or merely “offended” for little things. I was brought up to fend for myself, if you want something go get it, and feelings were never part of it.

Not that my childhood were loveless, far from it, but we never talked about feelings. They were surely there, but you hid them. So for me to say that I need somebody will never happen. I will never say, please come and spend the evening with me ‘cause I need to talk, or please let me cry on your shoulder. Never.

And it’s good to know my true friends understand that. So I won’t have to ask.


Anonymous said...

What I find scary is how these days so many people seem to be in 'therapy' or 'need' to see counsellors or psychologists (or worse, take anti-depressants) to deal with feelings that seem to me to be part of the normal ups and downs of life. But I suppose bottling up, which is maybe what I do, isnt very healthy either

Witchbitch said...

I suppose people have too much time these days to reflect and analyze. I think sometimes that it's better to stop thinking so much and just move on.

An example: if I say "you look good today" meaning it as a compliment, it might be interpreted as "oh, so you mean I looked bad yesterday".

With some people you just cannot "win".