Monday, May 21, 2012


Today three different weather sites promised 17°C and rain. When I left my house at around 14.30 it was still 25°C and sunny since the morning. So I went with the facts and left the house clad in a skirt and a top only (ok had shoes and underwear too!). Went to the clinic, and when I got out like 20 mins later it was pouring. CATS AND DOGS POURING! But since I had promised to stop by "my" bar to say hello to a friend, I did.

They kindly provided me with a towel, I had a few drinks, dried out (!) and now the weather is fine again.

You know, if I could choose my career once again, I think I'd be a meteorologist. To be paid to be wrong most of the time must be great.


Anonymous said...

but didnt you just say they were right - hence you getting drenched?

Witchbitch said...

They said it would be raining the whole day, not true, it rained about an hour.