Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Not often I put shopping as the title, but today I did. At least a little. Shopping I mean.

But first I went to the bank. Am planning a little sorta practical joke (will tell you later in the odd case the person affected will read this), with the intention of exchanging two used 20-franc bills to new ones. Turns out the bank doesn't have new bills! Interesting, had to ask whether it actually was a bank. And yes, still is. Only at Christmas they get new bills. They suggested the National bank, but since I thought it was overdoing it for a measly 40 francs, I asked her to find the best bills she could. And she did. So now I have two almost unused 20-franc bills. Good so.

Happened to pass H&M, and since I hold a few shares there, thought I pop in. Two colourful tops and a more conservative sweater.

Then I went to the Zürich tourist office, located at the main train station. Funny, having been here almost 10 years I never set foot in the tourist office. Very friendly, very helpful. And fluent in English. I really don't know why I speak English still as a first choice, but I do. Even though I can very well get along in German. Can't teach old dogs new tricks I suppose.

Stopped by the pharmacy to look for an epicondylitis bandage. 58 francs. Decided to think about it. Besides, don't want a skin coloured one. Do they come in purple?

Wednesday, so it was market day in the main station. Passed by my fav cheese stand (with the goodlooking guy) and bought both Alpkäse and a soft brie-type cheese. Yum.

Then on to Jumbo to look for geraniums. Not yet available, only some early sad-looking flowers. But bought a flower pot (guess the colour) and a dust thingie. My cleaning lady has been asking for it for some time now. Too bad she has resigned. Not 'cause of me mind you, but health reasons. Too bad, I like her a lot. Anyway, these last few times here she'll have a brand new dust thingie.

Lastly, I stopped to buy something for the little ones, but couldn't find what I wanted so ended up with only fresh cat grass.

PS. Hurray, had to change the setting, so now I can type new paragraph by using enter again (why the setting changed in the first place? No idea.).

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