Thursday, June 07, 2012

Bank business

I think that I mentioned a fight I had with a bank some time ago, and now finally the matter is resolved. After 2 months! Unfrigginbelievable!

It started with a letter sent to me by a foreign bank last year, where they advised me about the renewal of my credit card. It was gonna be sent to me (since apparently the Post offices in Switzerland cannot be trusted - and trust me, it works far better here than in the country the card was to be sent from!), to the tune of a charge of about 45 francs. I replied saying please send it to my friend, who was gonna visit me anyway and could bring the card for no charge. That also happened.

Half a year later I get a charge from the bank for the delivery, that never took place. I explained the situation to the bank, who promised to correct the charge. Then nothing happened, and nothing happened and on it went. I then again sent a message, and was told that they hadn't charged me before, so the charge was late but correct.

About 15 mails later, where I was told I was right about 3 times, I finally got the charge reversed. Two months and one day later.

I did send a thank-you email thanking them for the swift handling! Very much doubt they'll get the sarcasm though.

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