Friday, June 08, 2012

Guacamole without creme fraiche

Trial round for making guacamole. I googled the recipe and found that creme fraiche should be an ingredient, and that I didn't have. Then I watched an episode with Jamie Oliver, and coincidentally he made guacamole. Without creme fraiche. Excellent.

So easy really. One ripe avocado, 3 small cocktail tomatoes, chili powder (since I didn't have fresh) and half a freshly squeezed lime. Yum, yum, yum.


Anonymous said...

I make guacamole quite a lot and vary how I make it and never used creme fraiche.

Depending how I feel I add (to avodado, lime juice and salt) one or more of the following

1) small bit of finely chopped red onion
2) cumin powder (small amount)
3) chili sauce or fresh chili (to personal taste!)
4) chopped tomato
5) fresh corriander leaves

Jelmoli have nice tortilla chips and also tostadas now which go nice with some sour cream/tomato/cheese and dollops of guacamole

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I did actually have a red chopped onion in it too, and now I bought fresh chilis. Not a big fan of coriander though.

Anonymous said...

really? i love coriander! The other thing I use is parsley when I dont have coriander, since we usually have parsley in the garden, counteracts the onion a bit. yum yum yum. I'm so gonna miss the dirt cheap avocados here when we come back to CH