Friday, June 01, 2012

Spring water

I am invited to dinner at a friends place in a couple of weeks, and when I got the invite I asked what I could bring. Spring water without gas was the answer. What?!? I think Switzerland has the best tap water in the world (even my cousin who's a picky one said so when visiting), and I had to laugh.

If you know me, you'd know that buying still water on bottle will never happen. Well, at least not in a civilized country when you can drink the water from the tap.

And I was thinking spring water, is that water you pour from the tap in the spring? Isn't it better with fresh water from the tap?

I even have a soda machine, since I happen to like fizzy water. Buying water? Hahahahahaha.


Olzer said...

But there is one thing about the Swiss water....that I was warned by a Swiss person....and I tested in out on myself (made myself a Guinea pig)....the high mineral content in the water can be harsh on your stomach....and I was advised to filter the water. When I got here first...from drinking the water I used to have slight pains or cramps.....all disappeared once I got my Brita filter.....

Witchbitch said...

I was googling this, and it said you have to drink a bathtub of water every day to get your daily mineral intake. Most of it comes from food anyway. But I guess some people can be more sensitive than others.

But I can assure you, a lot of things are more dangerous than drinking tap water in Switzerland!

Olzer said...

hehehe. Very true... :-)