Friday, June 08, 2012


I am really glad I'm not a politician. I know, they get spat at a lot, no matter what they do but put yourself in their position.

Shall we give more money to Urs 36, who is a cripple and need help 24/7, or to Helga 68 who has retired after a long taxpaying life and now needs care, or perhaps to development of the infrastructure to improve roads and communication, or maybe to the healthcare system in general? What about the people who clean the streets, or pick up our garbage, don't they deserve more pay? What about tourism, shouldn't we invest more money in attracting more people, and thus eventually get more money into the city?

What about foreigners? Should we let them into the country, hoping they would bring more wealth, or should we kick them out assuming they come here only to rob us?

Should we build a tunnel for trains under the Gotthard mountain, or perhaps invest more into CERN, or should we instead care more about the homeless and needy? More police visibility on the streets?

I am so happy I don't have to make those decisions. I wouldn't mind their salary though.

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