Monday, June 04, 2012

Selfcleaning oven my ass

So I got the latest version of an oven, including gazillions of functions (most of which I never use), but with a selfcleaning option. Yes, look at this. I ran it for an hour, and then used some kitchen paper to dry it off. Dirtier than ever.

Now I sprayed it with a strong oven-cleaning detergent, will wait until it works, and then I have to clean it again. Manually.

Selfcleaning my ass.

Edit: haha, just looked at the pic, kitchen paper looks like a duck. Guess you have to laugh at the small things in life, since there are few big things to laugh about.


Olzer said...

So...another marketing gimmick telling us to by a device with a functionality that is not so true :-(.

Witchbitch said...

Yup, you got it.

Anonymous said...

Can't say I'm shocked, a self cleaning oven does seem to good to be true. not that I ever clean mine.

Witchbitch said...

Yikes, you never clean your oven?

Anonymous said...

not never, but definitely not often. but I wipe up any spills. Its not dirty