Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cooling condoms

I was visiting a friend this evening, and promised to bring some chilled wine. Since it was very hot today I wrapped these "cooling condoms" (have no idea what they are called, but they are these thingies you keep in the freezer, and you wrap them around the bottle you want to keep cool) around two wine bottles, so that they would be cold enough to drink on arrival.

Mind you, it's only a 15-min bus ride but still. I'm not taking chances with wine.

On the way back, I put the "condoms" around my arms, since I didn't have a bag. My friend, who was walking me to the bus stop (mind you, not because he cared that much, but 'cause he needed ciggies from the kiosk at the bus stop) was not impressed. He probably thinks I'm a bit of a whack-job, but what the hell. We're still friends after six years. And I have a few stories on him should need be :).

On the bus ride back a woman asked me if I was wearing the "condoms" 'cause of pain. When I explained the situation she and her friend were laughing for two bus stops. Isn't it great to spread a little joy just by being a bit weird?

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