Friday, July 13, 2012

Sudden death

Today I was attending a funeral. The funeral of a friends father. It was of course sad, but also a bit different compared to where I come from. To the better I must add.

When a beloved person dies it is not sad for him or her, they are gone, but for all the people left behind. It is then comforting with family and friends, which is why I went to the funeral.

Where I come from only the people who knew the deceased go to a funeral. I think it is better when good friends come as well to show support for the remaining family.

The service was also different. The deceased was already cremated and buried in a ceremony with the immediate family only. After we all went to the church for a memorial where the life story of the person was told. Of course there was the occasional mention of god, but not too much, which was good for an atheist like myself.

At the end there was food and drinks at a restaurant, and a chance to say how sorry I was to the family members. Mind you, not all of them, since they were many, many. The deceased had 11 sieblings, where of 10 still alive!

A funeral can never be good, and it does remind me of sad times, but this one was beautifully executed. And even though I didn't know him very well, I think this is exactly what he would have wanted. May he rest in peace.


Anonymous said...

You wanted a spelling mistake in your blog? Siblings, not siEblings.
There you go. :)

Witchbitch said...

There has to be one!