Saturday, July 07, 2012

Wat are you sinking about?

For the third time I have to link to the funniest clip I've ever seen, and there is a reason to it.

When opening up my boat today I noticed another boat sinking. So I called the "Wasserschutzpolizei", the lake police. And in my best German I explained that a neighbouring boat was on the way down to the bottom of the lake. "What?" he said. And again in other words I explained what was happening. He finally got it (note to self: must work on German language).

But communication works here in Zürich. I called the police when leaving the bridge, and when I got back a guy was there, looking devastated. I spoke to him, and even though he had checked the boat a couple of days ago, it was beyond salvation. But we agreed that nobody is stupid enough to give up an anchor place like ours, so he was gonna get a new boat. Good for him.

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