Wednesday, July 18, 2012


In life there are people you really like, but don't get to meet as often as you like. In my case it's my cousin. We didn't grow up together, lived in different cities but always had fun when we met. And we share a history.

But you know, life goes on, we move, in his case it's several wives and four children, in my case it's moving to various countries, and there you go. Career, family and life takes on a life of its own.

But tonight we met. And it feels like it's never enough time. And his wife since many, many years is fabulous. She told me tonight I haven't aged a bit. Love her!

And perhaps, hopefully, they will decide to retire in this fabulous country, after having spent some time in Klosters. Hiking (!). I really don't know why, but don't care, if they move here we'll have many, many more evenings of fun.

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