Saturday, July 21, 2012


This afternoon I was on the sofa reading, and Zetti was sleeping peacefully on the new cat tree. Or so I thought. All of a sudden she jumped down, rushed out on the balcony and came back with what was looking like a waxy moustache. A poor little bird, clenched in her jaws.

Fortunately I had the good sense of closing the balcony door, before she got in. "Calmly" I got the rubber gloves, opened the door again, and shooed her off, so that I could get out onto the balcony without her sneaking in.

Zetti got so surprised she opened her mouth and to my delight, and utter surprise, the bird flew away! I saved a life! Mind you, there were a few feathers left behind.

It is really hard to remember that my furry ones are actually predators, especially when they curl up next to me for a cuddle.

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