Saturday, July 07, 2012

I should get out more

All my life I have been the one initiating things, gatherings, parties, get-togethers, dinners, you name it, I'm your woman.

Lately I have been staying at home a lot. It's by choice, but I have also realized that unless I keep on doing what I've been doing, I'm gonna be pretty lonely. Other people are not as flexible as I am, and few are up to spontaneous activities.

For example, I was thinking the other day to sell my boat, because it's not as fun to go on the lake alone. I really don't understand why I was thinking that! How could I even think about giving up the boat and the anchor place? Am I stupid?

And once I'm on the lake, I don't care that I'm on my own, 'cause it's fantastic out there! I have to get over the hurdle of doing things on my own!


John said...

You are crazy! Do not give up that boat. Its very good for your be out on the water..even if its by yourself! Enjoy it..there are many of us who would love to have those nice times on the lake! If I was there..I'd go with you for sure! :)

Witchbitch said...

I know. I don't know what I was sinking :).