Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Blood donor

The first time I thought about being a blood donor was when aids was being known in the 80's. I then worked in the medical industry at a hospital, and during a break I went to offer my blood.

I still remember the nurses looking at me, and laughing, and saying "aren't you lucky to be so thin and still have a full rounded face". I was really offended, and walked off. I was offering to give blood to the needy, and was laughed at.

It took me a lot of years before I went back, and then here in Switzerland. Nobody has been laughing here.

Mind you, I was a lot thinner then, but over 50 kgs (just) and that's what you need to be in order to become a blood donor. What's your excuse?


Anonymous said...

why is it that medical people just dont seem to do tact?

I'm ashamed to say that you're always reminding me I don't have an excuse for not donating blood, and yet I still havent done it. shame shame

Witchbitch said...

When you're back I'll introduce you to the blood donor place. Do not worry.