Thursday, October 18, 2012

Criminals vs elderly

You know what pisses me off? It's when I learn that criminals cost four times as much as the elderly care. I don't exactly know what the ratio is here in Switzerland, but imagine it wouldn't differ that much from my home country.

What is wrong with letting criminals in jail work for their bread? If they don't have so much spare time to conspire, think and fight, but instead work their asses off, there would be less irritation, and more productivity. That's what I think.

I believe that people, no matter who they are, wants to be useful and feel part of a group, a community. They want to feel needed, and that they do something that matters to others.

Personally, I wouldn't mind criminals being stuck together and killing each other, kind of self-sanitation, but a part of me knows it ain't right. However, nothing wrong with letting outlaws get a whiff of a bit of a hard time. Bread and water, hard work and pay-back-time-attitude by the authorities. That's what I'd like to see.


Olzer said...

yep.....I hear ya. I saw various news reports over the years how that in some prisons, in some countries.....they have a retraining program for that when they leave they have a skill. Others...that have goods that they produce and sell.....all excellent ideas. I think it should be compulsory also....that every museum must have some sort of rehabilitation program where the inmates are put to work in some it with their hands, brains or both!

Witchbitch said...


Olzer said...

opps.....that should have been prison and not museum :-)