Thursday, October 25, 2012


I am like most people with regards to food. I buy what I think is good for me, my wallet and not from too far away. Exceptions are food that cannot grow or be produced in the neighbourhood, like exotic fruit, salt water fish, chocolate and various other products.

But since a number of years I have prided myself of buying eggs only from free-going hens. Having seen programs on telly I was really appalled on seeing these poor chicken never having a chance of going outdoors, being stuck in a small space, overfed and only there to produce eggs. No, I wouldn't have it.

But now I hesitate. The eggs I have been buying in Denner saying "Freilandhaltung", which I always thought was a good thing, I am not so sure about anymore. And when examining the package I discovered the word "Import" in fine print. What? I have been buying foreign eggs all this time?

I am so gonna change this. My problem is, how can you be sure that the new and probably more expensive ones are being laid by happy hens? Is there an egg-tracker in Switzerland?

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