Monday, October 01, 2012


A friend of mine is a lawyer, and he told me a funny story. Once he was representing a client, found smoking pot while driving and caught by the police. Normally this would render a fixed fee, and that would be it. And so my friend reassured his client it would be a walk in the park.

However, when they came to court, the judge had a bad hairday or something so when the verdict was being given, he had an outburst "I am tired of you guys from the city coming here and bringing drugs with you. I am sentencing you to six weeks in jail".

When the client was escorted out of there, on his way to jail, he looked at my friend, who was as much in shock as everybody else, and the only thing he could think of to say was "bye" in a small voice. It was very funny being there when he told the story, not sure I can make it justice (oops!).

Anyway, my friend felt really bad and never charged the guy, who got out after a couple of weeks.

I guess the moral of the story is, don't do drugs. Good thing you cannot (yet) be charged for drinking alcohol and smoke!

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