Friday, November 22, 2013


Tonight we were also talking about travelling. I told my friend about the dream I once had to visit New York, mainly because everybody told me I had to see it once. And I wanted to. Until I was travelling to Cook Islands, having to transit in America and they forced me to give fingerprints and do a retina scan. Even though I didn't even set foot in the US at the time (except for when I had a quick smoke outside the doors when nobody saw). Screw them I say. That invasion of my integrity made me decide never to visit America again.

My friend on the other hand has a dream to visit Bhutan. Bhutan you ask? A smaller country in between China and India, and close to the Himalayas. Why, I asked? She wants to walk in mountains.

I rest my case. She lives in Switzerland, is Swiss and have more mountains in the neighbourhood than anybody can ask for. I haven't looked it up, but my guess is that Switzerland has more mountains per capita than any other country in the world.

But we agreed in the end that all dreams do not have to come to fruition. Sometimes a dream can stay a dream, and we'll be just as happy.

I still think she's gonna go hiking in Bhutan. I on the other hand will never visit New York. But I'm sure we'll both be satisfied with our respective decisions. And what more can you ask in life?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to go to both, and the Cook Islands. One day. Luckily I wouldn't have to go via the States to the Cook Islands, but might be a bit more difficult to avoid if going to New York I guess.


Witchbitch said...

Cook Islands were great! I actually have some pics from there that my friend sent me, since I lost them all when my old computer died.