Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bomb shelter

I was watching a tv show about crimes, and the issue of bomb shelters came up. It reminded me that we actually have one in our house. A house with four apartments in Switzerland, probably one of the least war-inflicted countries on earth. If you ask me it's because all major criminals in the world have a bank account here.

Nevertheless, we have a bomb shelter in case the big enemy decides to strike an attack on Zürich. One of the tenants in the house (not me) has a basement utility room, with a door that can resist a bomb (or so I'm thinking, it's pretty thick). That basement room also has folding beds and a toilet. Mind you, it also has a window, so not sure how much the thick door will help.

So if the big war will hit, there shall be at least seven adults and two children sharing a room of 12 m2. I think if there wasn't a war before there will be one pretty quickly!

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