Friday, November 22, 2013

The barbar

I was reading something on the net referring to Santa Barbar. Obviously a typo but it made me remember when I was working in Holland, and there was a bar in office building, open Thursdays and Fridays afternoon (what a great idea!). It was referred to as the barbar, like in barbarian.

I believe it came from the telephone system, where your first and last name were programmed into, so that you always could see who called you, and that the person who programmed the number for the bar, chose to call it "bar bar".

It didn't happen very often that I was called from the "bar bar" since I was usually there when it opened, but once in a while, if an evil boss made me work late on something, without a doubt, they called me. "Where are you?, the barbar is open!".

Oh the memories.

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