Thursday, November 21, 2013

Veggie evening

It is always a pleasure when I manage to produce food that even a vegetarian likes.

We also talked about the pros and cons of electronic calendars. Here we are kindred spirits. She tried one for one year many years ago. I bought a gizmo some 15 years ago which 1. managed to delete all my engagements once the battery was empty and then had to be synced again with the computer and 2. cost a fortune (ok, I didn't pay it, my company did, but still).

Now we are both back to paper calendars, and I gotta admit, I'm a bit jealous. Hers is purple!


Anonymous said...

ah, but at least you could just synch it again with the computer. If you lose your paper diary you are screwed. Luckily these days I have little need for either, since I don't have that many appointments I can pretty well remember them. but I if did - that's what smart phones are for nowadays, they no longer cost a fortune and I can actually remember to carry that around.


Witchbitch said...

And if you lose the smartphone?

Anonymous said...

Its backed-up/synched to the computer