Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Basement happiness

I am so happy about my basement being clean and spider-free. I am in my basement almost every day, there is wine to be fetched, carton to be deposited to wait for the monthly pick-up, occasionally an umbrella to picked up when it rains, cat sand to be brought or books to be stored.

Now when I go in there I feel relief. It's clean, it's organized and nothing I have to feel bad about anymore.

It's funny, since it was a somewhat easy task, but it took me almost five years to do. Ok, there were stuff in there needed to be removed in order to get enough space to clean, but still.

Now it's done and I feel good about it. Next task is to go through all the papers, letters and postcards and whatsit. I always had a feeling if somebody took their time to write to me I couldn't throw it away. Now I will re-think and one of these days it'll happen. I'm almost sure.

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