Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Being stingy pays off

I wish I had a pedometer again, today has been a good day. First I tried jogging for 20 minutes this morning. It was as boring as I remember doing it like three decades ago. However, it did get my heart rate up, and I wasn't exhausted after. Slow jog mind you.

Then I was gonna go for a cruise on the lake. Normally I'd take the tram that goes directly from my place to the harbour, but then I remembered I no longer have a travel pass. It expired and I chose not to extend it, since I don't use it that often.

So I decided to walk all the way to the city, stop off to greet a friend, then on to the boat. Did a short cruise, it was a bit windy, then parked again and stayed there for a while. After all, I need to improve on my tan.

After that I walked back to the main station, so that I could get a "Kurzstrecke"-ticket, a ticket that is cheaper but you can only travel 5 stops.

So a great day, and it only cost me 2.60 CHF!

Oh, and I saw this swan feather, made me think of Forrest Gump.


Anonymous said...

Kurzstrecke is for more than 5 stops. The list of reachable stations is listed on the screen. Just making sure you do not buy more expensive than needed :-)

Witchbitch said...

Really? SBB once told me it was 5 stops, but maybe there are exceptions. Thanks for the tip!