Thursday, June 26, 2014


About once a year I go through my email-list and my phone in order to decide whether I want to keep the contact information or not. The general rule is if I haven't heard from them for a year they are deleted. But that's a rule with some exceptions.

Long-term good friends always stay, even if we lost contact for a while. Some relatives are kept, even if I don't hear from them often, not all of them mind you. Some people I'm thinking I should contact to ask if they're still alive, but haven't yet, I keep.

But the others are goners. The people I met once or twice, and exchanged numbers with, gone. The people I used to know pretty well, but have lost contact with for one reason or another, gone. The people who have irritated me enough, or I just don't like anymore, gone.

So, if you don't hear from me, you know why ;).

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