Monday, June 02, 2014


I've gotten tired of doing sports twice a day, so now I've changed pattern. I'm happy to still doing sports in the morning, getting sweaty and then shower. But in the evenings I want to stay clean, not sweating but still doing something. Endurance.

Like standing on one leg for two minutes (much harder than you think, try it!) and then change and stand on the other leg for another two minutes. Obviously, I'm gonna increase the time but today was the first day.

Also sitting, but without a chair, makes your leg muscles burn. And lifting those (tiny) weights 50 times in the air, or out from your body, has rendered me upper arms without bingo wings!

But sadly, the weight has now stayed more or less the same since a month. I blame it on muscles weighing more than fat, and am not really upset about it. I feel healthier, more energized and have actually reached my goal weight that I set from the beginning. Plus I eat chocolate and fatty things now and then.

However, it would be a challenge to get another 3 kg's off the body. Gotta go shopping for soup tomorrow :).

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