Saturday, November 15, 2014

A stalker?

I just had the weirdest phone call ever. A guy called just now on my landline. Normally it's always somebody who wants to sell me something calling on that line. Except for a few close friends, everybody uses my mobile phone.

So when the phone rings on a Saturday evening at a quarter past ten, I'm thinking immediately it's an emergency of some kind.

Instead it was a guy, calling me Annika, telling me the weirdest story. At first I thought it was the boyfriend of a good friend of mine, the name suggested it, but it wasn't.

Turns out a couple of weeks ago he had seen me outside my house, and thought I was hot. He claimed he didn't find a parking place quick enough to approach me, so he looked up my name on the mailbox. He then needed some weeks to work up the courage to google me and find my phone number. And then call me. I asked him if he was drunk, and he claimed he wasn't. And I believe him, since he didn't sound like it.

But I have a weird feeling. I mean he was nice enough and all, but in the end he did mention something about "I bet we'd have great sex" and that's when I kinda ended the conversation. In my world that is no start of a good relationship. Not anymore I should add :).

He gave me his phone number, three times, to be sure I got it. But I'm gonna have to marinate on this. And I do feel a bit uneasy that he knows where I live. It gives me a bit of relief though that he asked if I have a jealous man in my life, and I didn't tell him I didn't.

However, I cannot help feeling a little bit flattered. An eleven years younger man thinks I'm hot! Good for my self confidence. Ha, like I need it!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, what?! you are considering calling this guy?! sounds very very creepy to me (Although I admit I was watching a murder mystery last night where the murder used similar tactics to get his victim, so that could be influencing my reaction).


Witchbitch said...

No, I am not calling this guy.