Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bloody business

Since I started my new and somewhat healthier regime in January this year I had some digestive problems. My Swiss friend would phrase it like I have problems with depositing my waste, I would like always be frank and say I have a shitting problem.

Or had. It took about six months to sort it out and for my body to get used to my new and healthier diet, but in that time I developed some sort of haemorrhoid, a little thingie just inside that makes "depositing waste" painful.

Since I'm not the type to run to my doctor for any little ailment, I've treated myself with baby oil. Which hasn't worked. So today I went to the pharmacy, thinking a little stronger medication was needed. But you know, standing there with people around, you feel a bit embarrassed. So I zoned out the people around, first asking for some other medication for my home pharmacy, and then wispering "I need a creme for haemorroids", at which the assistant just nodded and brought me without so much as a flick.

I really don't know why that should feel embarrassing, since I read up on google that 50% of the population have it one time or another in their life. But it does.

Then I heard from my "stalker" that he works in the medication business, and I immediately thought that I should ask him if he can provide me with some free meds. How's that for a first date?


Anonymous said...

I had this problem after giving birth (very common apparently - not that they tell you beforehand), and since I am also not keen on medication and Drs etc, I also turned to home remedies (yay google) and found vinegar (apple cider type) worked really well - stings like mad, but works.

Witchbitch said...

You mean you applied it to the sore spot or drank it?