Wednesday, July 01, 2015


Some months ago I received an information letter about going digital on telly. I put it aside since I never watch telly on the actual tv screen. I'm a computer person.

But today, sorting my papers I found it again and thought I'd try. No luck at all. The tv didn't even go on. So I changed batteries in the remote control. Still no luck. Until I realized that it wasn't plugged in :).

And when it did go on, there was only snow. Reminded me of my youth, when the screen was snowing when no programs were on. Kids, there was a time when there weren't tv 24-7. And coming to think of it, no computers, no pads, no pods, no electronic communication whatsoever. I feel a bit sorry for the young ones who will never understand.

Anyway, I don't think I will win a battle with the authorities not having to pay, so I will ask somebody interesting in fiddling with electronics to set it up to work.


Anonymous said...

Probably your TV is too old, you have to have one with a DVB-C receiver. We had one TV which was about 5 or so years old and said it had a digital receiver, but it was the wrong kind. Then you need a converter - you can get one for free from cablecom or whoever you have your TV service with. Or perhaps also the digital cable is not plugged in ;)

by the way, there would be no battle with the authorities to be had anymore - in the June referendum it was voted yes to everyone having to pay the TV/radio tax whether you have a TV or not.
You could cancel the cablecom (or whoever) cable contract though.


Witchbitch said...

Oh, a DVB-C receiver! Now I understand everything ;).