Sunday, July 05, 2015

What a weekend!

It hasn't exactly been a fantastic weekend. I haven't slept properly for days, I am on heavy pain medication and to top it all off, I have to take laxative which means I'm shitting 4-6 times day. When I feel it's just air wanting to come out, it isn't. And it's been almost 40°C outside. Not that I've been out, didn't dare being away from a bathroom.

But I have a feeling it's going in the right direction. Right now I'm feeling almost ok (wine helps!), and I have cut down a wee bit on the medication.

Doc said I could jog tomorrow, so let's see if he's right. I'll be happy if I can get out at all, just walking.

And even though I had lost 700 grams this morning after gaining 1.6 kg's in a day, I still feel that I have lots of fluid in my body. Not a nice feeling.

What one does for a perfect ass!

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