Thursday, July 09, 2015

Looking pretty good

Was seeing dr H again today. He's really very nice and I haven't had any problems with him looking good, 'cause he's short. Tall men are my thing.

So we had a pleasant conversation discussing my rectum and the reactions I had after the op, after which I asked him "so you wanna have a look?" like it was the most natural thing in the world. He smiled and said yes. Apart from a little swelling on one side he said it all looked normal, but I was encouraged to continue with the pills 'cause they not only take away pain but also work against infection. I really don't like pills and had stopped, but I listened and will continue for a few days more.

But the journal on the op was not yet written down (I had asked for a copy) and I got the story about the secretary he had to fire, and what a mess everything was. Oh dear. Good thing I didn't know before the op, maybe they would've removed something else?

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