Thursday, July 09, 2015

Dinner party

I had a dinner party yesterday, and even though it was planned before I became a "Zürcherin", it was good timing for a celebration.

Plus it was very nice to be surrounded by friends again. It's been a bit lonely since the op, having been more or less confined to my apartment. I really miss getting out in the forest, moving around.

It's been ups and downs since the op, one time I had a pain attack so bad I thought I was gonna faint, other times I'm almost fine. Am seeing the doc this afternoon, so let's see what the status really is after that.

Took a pic yesterday without realizing that the conversation all of a sudden had turned serious. I think it was when one friend told the others about when he got robbed on his holiday. Otherwise the evening was full of laughter and fun. A much needed break!

And we had a fabulous desserts! Homemade strawberry icecream and a raspberry cake!

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