Monday, July 06, 2015

It was only water

To live in a house with only four apartments is sometimes a bit of a balancing act. On one hand, you want to be helpful and have a good relationship, on the other hand, you don't wanna intrude and make them feel like you keep watch on them.

On my balcony I have a pipe. It comes from above and goes down below, and through that runs water. It has never bothered me, until today.

Because it's so hot, even though we were down to 35°C today, I most of the time keep the balcony door closed. The cats don't wanna go out anyway in this heat. But today it was open, and I noticed this sound. The water was running heavily through that pipe. So I figured somebody upstairs was home and was having a bath, or watering plants on the terrace.

But like after an hour I realized something was wrong. Nobody takes that long a shower, or water the plants for that amount of time. So I went upstairs ringing the door. Nobody home.

Here I panicked a bit, thinking omg they left a tap on and now we're gonna have a flood in the whole house. Left a message with the tenant.

Fortunately he called back quickly, explaining that they'd had a problem with the hose connecting to the tap on the terrace, and that it had been "fixed". Seemingly not. But he took care of it and was very thankful that I'd contacted him.

Guess I managed the balance right this time.

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