Thursday, July 23, 2015

Busy day

Busy day. Most of all, it was a relief to have a day with some rain and a bit cooler. In the morning I was jogging with doggie, and in the afternoon we walked all the way to the boat. With just a short stop for swimming. Not for me though.

But as soon as we got to the boat, I was. Dipping i.e. You're not allowed to swim around where the boats are for good reasons.

Then I had a fight with a wasp. It was a really intensive fight with me shouting and trying to kill it with a towel. It was in my face, in my hair and wouldn't leave me alone. And I HATE wasps. All through the rather long fight I could hear people laughing, but at the time I didn't care. When I finally got the bloody thing killed I looked up and saw half of Japan staring at me, all of them with a smartphone in their hand. Guess I'll be a youtube-wonder now.

But it was bliss to get out on the lake and swim. 27°C in the water and a mere 25°C in the air. Fabulous!

Later in the evening I had two men here to fix my tv. Apparently we've gone digital here in Switzerland, and I couldn't care less since all my tv consumption is done through the computer, but I took pity on my visitors and ordered a free device. They were here to install it.

I can't help but thinking some things are gender-related. Put two men together with one device and they'll never give up until it works. But it took some time. Like hours. However, now I seemingly have many more channels than before (none that I would watch though), and yet another remote control, not to mention a very ugly cable hanging down from the telly.

Not all new things are for the better.

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